Brian’s Experience

“When I look back at my co-op terms here at Davis Martindale, my appreciation for the career opportunities I was given is astronomical. When I was deciding on where I wanted to have my placements, I knew that wherever I went, I wanted the chance to be challenged, experience a variety of work, have flexibility, and get along with the team. It was during my first co-op term at Davis Martindale that I realized we had similar values. In fact, I enjoyed working with the team so much that I decided to return for all my other co-ops. It was through these co-ops that I was exposed to a variety of work within audit, assurance, and tax. This experience excelled my learning and made me a more confident and knowledgeable individual, which inherently carried over into the classroom. Since completing my co-op experience and graduating, I was able work directly with Human Resources to accommodate my interests and formulate a plan for a career path that made sense for me. It feels great to work with such an incredible team and if I travelled back in time to when I was choosing where my placement would be, I would choose Davis Martindale in a heartbeat.”